Hello, my name is Marisa. I'm 23 years old. Today, I wanted to put up a personal post about me, and some of my likes and dislikes.
I'm a part time cashier @ Ikea, as well as a part time student @ community college. I used to want to be an American Sign Language Interpreter, but as of late I'm not so sure anymore. This summer
2014, I'm getting gastric bypass surgery. From there on out my time will be spent working part time/ full time, and getting a gym membership! I'm so excited.
Some of my likes include:
- Snail mail
- Pretty envelopes
- Washitape
- Cooking
- Going shopping for markers, pencils and pens
- Fruity alcoholic drinks
- Stickers
- Hello Kitty
- My pen pals and real life friends
- Movies and TV shows
- Rude people
- Cleaning up after my sister who never helps out, with anything
- Rain the day after washing my car
- Falling leafs after sweeping an area
- Hot coffee
- Lima beans
- When bits of tea seep out of the bag once you added the hot water :|