
I swear, I just don't want to do that review on Naked Basic palette :/

One of my new favorite movies, "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty". I had originally seen this movie when it had come out in the theatres with one of my best friends. We saw the 11 AM showing, and it was pretty empty because it was so early. I don't want to ruin it but for anyone who has seen the commercials, the minute I saw Ben Stiller get on that longboard, I started recording it through SnapChat. I have one of the biggest crushes on him, and it only got bigger when my friend and I began to realize that the longer the movie was going, the more of a beard he started to get!!!

This movie is so good, I can't believe they were able to turn a small book into a 2 hour movie. When I finish this movie I feel inspired to "go into the unknown", and while I'm watching it, I sometimes get 'happy Goosebumps', which I'm sure is also because of the GREAT soundtrack throughout the movie. All in all a 10/10! Him jumping out of a helicopter into a huge ocean probably helps with that score, maybe not, but probably..